
New website? 12 reasons why you should choose a smart site

You want a new website which is affordable and professional, without the hassle of long term maintenance- or hostingcontracts, where you rarely to never need your webmaster to edit or post new messages and which you could even update by smartphone or a simple email?

Then a smart site is what you are looking for.

A smart site is a responsive website which scores great in Google and posts all your messages and updates automatically to the most important social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flipboard, Google+ and sends them in automated newsletters (mailing) to your clients. This way you'll be up-to-date in just one click throughout all you online accounts.

12 reasons why a smart site is the solution your company is looking for:

  1. A smart site lives forever. You only need to invest once!
  2. No service agreements of any kind. There are no security updates of hosting requirements (done for free by Google)
  3. 100% security thanks to sms-verification by Google
  4. You can place updates by smartphone or even by mail. 
  5. Updates and messages can be scheduled 
  6. Automatic placement of all your updates to your social media
  7. Automated Newsletters to all your contacts, based on your last update
  8. Responsive webdesign, suited for all current and future mobile devices
  9. Follows all the rules Google expects to perform great in search results
  10. Always up-to-date with the latest features and possibilities by Google
  11. Our personal guidance, support and free trainings to get the best results online 
  12. Time- and money saved by our strategy our huge
Want to know more? Visit our website www.uptodatewebdesign.com and select a language of your choosing to the right of our home-page. Be aware these translations are automated thanks to Google Translate, so some errors are unavoidable. However we are sure this will be enhanced immensely thanks to machine learning within the forthcoming years.

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UP-TO-DATE WebDesign - van Maastricht tot Groningen: New website? 12 reasons why you should choose a smart site
New website? 12 reasons why you should choose a smart site
UP-TO-DATE WebDesign - van Maastricht tot Groningen
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